Akumaking1My OC in the ZZZ style, a bit closer to what I want. Yay for me.RemixAkumaking1My OC in the ZZZ style, a bit closer to what I want. Yay for me.RemixAkumaking1My OC in the ZZZ style, a bit closer to what I want. Yay for me.RemixAkumaking1My OC in the ZZZ style, a bit closer to what I want. Yay for me.Remix
Akumaking1OC next to models of Yang Xiao Long and YugiriRemixAkumaking1OC next to models of Yang Xiao Long and YugiriRemixAkumaking1OC next to models of Yang Xiao Long and YugiriRemixAkumaking1OC next to models of Yang Xiao Long and YugiriRemix
Akumaking1More attempts of trying to create Starsaber Prime in a Warhammer 40K aesthetic.1RemixAkumaking1More attempts of trying to create Starsaber Prime in a Warhammer 40K aesthetic.1RemixAkumaking1More attempts of trying to create Starsaber Prime in a Warhammer 40K aesthetic.1RemixAkumaking1More attempts of trying to create Starsaber Prime in a Warhammer 40K aesthetic.1Remix
Akumaking1Rando stuff.2RemixAkumaking1Rando stuff.2RemixAkumaking1Rando stuff.2RemixAkumaking1Rando stuff.2Remix
Akumaking1Well I tried. I say it's mandatory to mock how far Disney has fallen at every single oppertunity!1Remix
Akumaking1Tried to make MGR Raiden dressed up as a samurai. Why'd the results make him so broad?RemixAkumaking1Tried to make MGR Raiden dressed up as a samurai. Why'd the results make him so broad?RemixAkumaking1Tried to make MGR Raiden dressed up as a samurai. Why'd the results make him so broad?RemixAkumaking1Tried to make MGR Raiden dressed up as a samurai. Why'd the results make him so broad?Remix
Akumaking1If you're curious about this, see here as to why. https://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Setting:Transformers_40k/Famous_Transformers/Autobots#Starsaber_PrimeRemix