Created by Yoshidins
- target: "non-humanoid robot"
positive: "non-humanoid robot,spider tank"
unconditional: ""
neutral: ""
action: "enhance"
あまりにも広義すぎる"non-humanoid robot"のタグを、LECOを用いて多脚戦車型ロボットが出る打率を上げることを目的としたLoRAです。
might benefit from reading this.
The tag "non-humanoid robot" has a wide range of meanings, and the purpose of this LoRA is to increase the probability of a multi-legged tank-type robot using LECO.
This LoRA is not intended to be used by itself, but should be used in conjunction with LoRAs with mechanical textures and checkpoints, as shown in the uploaded image as an example.