Fluxcore.1 Img2Img+Upscale



✨ Fluxcore.1 UHQ Img2Img+Upscale ✨

Step in to the amazing world of Flux and take your image

generation to another level. Unleash the incredible power and

inference recognition of this exciting new model that is taking the

community by storm.

Simply upload your image & type a guidance prompt if you require, then set the applicable 1st pass denoise. Then adjust your upscale settings for your required output, and hey presto!......an ultra-high quality generation is yours.

My AI tool will generate one base image & one UHQ upscaled image at the

dimensions & parameters you require.

Can't wait to see all your brains spilled out in to a puddle of Flux.

Please kindly leave some love on my images & tool💜

Love & digital kisses

