1️⃣场景:深色场景dark background园林背景chinese ancient town背景虚化blurrybackground,bokeh
3️⃣发饰:经典头巾one in white dress and white headband,the other in green and green headband,头饰one in white dress and white headwear,the other in green and greenheadwear,
4️⃣衣服:绿色古装traditional chinese clothing,hanfu绿色像床单一样的裙子green dress
5️⃣动作:坐在石头上sitting on a rock其他站位:
a woman in a white dress sitting next to the other woman
a woman in a white dress standing next to the other woman
a woman in a green dress hugging the other woman
a woman in a green dress lying on the otherwoman
推荐步数20-40+高清修复推荐R-ESRGAN 4x+重绘幅度建议0.4-0.8