Hey guys, i made a Katarina LoRa with Skins 😁👌
i hope u like my work and enjoy Katarina as i hate her in League of Legends. 😒 Drop a Like & Follow for More ✌🏻✌🏻
if u want to help me out and support me, feel free to buy me a coffee <3 ❤️
For little specefic stuff check out my Fiverr 🙌😉
Weight can go from 0.8 up to 1.0. I recommend 1.0.
Trigger word for the Classic skin is: KatarinaClassic
helping prompt are: red_hair,
Trigger word for the Deathsworn skin is: KatarinaDeathsworn
helping prompt are: /
Trigger word for the Faerie skin is: KatarinaFaerie
helping prompt are: butterfly, faerieWings
Trigger word for the FariePrestige skin is: KatarinaFaeriePrestige
helping prompt are: butterfly, faerieWings
Trigger word for the KittyCat skin is: KatarinaUWUCat
helping prompt are: /