A dynamic, digitally created anime image, depicting a powerful scene from the manga and anime series "Attack on Titan." The image features two central characters: Eren Jaeger, a young man with short, dark hair, and the colossal Titan, a giant humanoid creature with a disturbingly human face. Eren is positioned on the right side of the image, holding a long sword, ready for battle. His expression is intense and focused, with a determined look in his eyes.

The colossal Titan, looming in the entire background of the image, is depicted in a state of transformation, with its pale facial skin outlining it's features to reveal its red muscle fibres underneath the torn white flesh. Its eyes are deep dark wells that have a soulless intensity, and its teeth are bared. The Titan's face is exaggeratedly large and it looks away with an expression of serene impending anihilation, dominating the background. The scene is shrouded in a misty, gray fog that adds to the atmosphere of tension and danger.

The ground beneath both characters is a mix of dark, rocky terrain and a smoky haze, emphasizing the chaotic and otherworldly setting. The overall color palette is muted and intense, with shades of red, white, and gray dominating the scene, a sandstorm effect is the overall image aesthetic.

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