This monochrome manga by tsutomu nihei is a highly detailed manga by tsutomu nihei The image is a digital illustration for the cover of a graphic novel titled "LORA 2ND EDITION." The artwork is predominantly black and white with bold blue accents. The central figure is a skeletal, humanoid creature with a skull-like face and a menacing expression. The creature's skin is ribbed and textured, giving it a skeletal appearance. Its arms are outstretched, and its hands are claw-like, adding to the menacing atmosphere. The background is a gradient of white to black, with abstract splatters and smudges, suggesting a chaotic or post-apocalyptic environment. The title "LORA" is prominently displayed in large, bold blue  letters at the top of the cover, with the subtitle "THE 2ND EDITION" below it. The text "TSUTOMU NIHEI" is printed in smaller red letters at the top left corner, indicating the artist's name. The bottom left corner features a small red logo with a black border, possibly representing the publisher. The overall style is dark and gritty, with a focus on the creature's menacing presence and the chaotic background, evoking a sense of dread and intensity.

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