low resolution, artifacts, unnatural lighting, blurry details, distorted features, pixelated, unrealistic proportions, exaggerated expressions, incorrect anatomy, poor color grading, overexposure, underexposure, excessive noise, unrealistic textures, mismatched shadows, incorrect perspective, artificial-looking elements, cartoonish features, surreal backgrounds, inconsistent focus, unrealistic reflections, disjointed body parts, mismatched clothing styles, unnatural skin tones and poor composition
For poses:
unnatural postures, awkward limb placement, exaggerated movements, stiff positions, unrealistic balance, overly dynamic actions, distorted body alignments, and uncomfortable angles.
For environments:
unrealistic backgrounds, mismatched lighting, artificial elements, inconsistent perspective, unnatural colors, poor depth of field, excessive noise, surreal settings, distorted objects, and poor spatial arrangement.
For hands:
distorted shapes, unrealistic sizes, missing fingers, unnatural positions, awkward angles, cartoonish details, artificial textures, and excessive noise.
For fingers:
disproportionate lengths, unnatural bends, unrealistic thickness, missing segments, overly stylized nails, cartoonish details, and artificial-looking skin.
For legs:
disproportionate lengths, unnatural bends, unrealistic muscle definition, distorted joints, cartoonish details, artificial textures, and awkward postures.
For toes:
disproportionate sizes, missing toes, unrealistic shapes, unnatural bends, artificial textures, cartoonish details, and excessive noise.
For toe nails:
unrealistic shapes, unnatural colors, overly long nails, distorted textures, artificial gloss, cartoonish details, and poor alignment.
For hand nails:
unrealistic shapes, unnatural colors, overly long nails, distorted textures, artificial gloss, cartoonish details, and poor alignment.
For body:
unrealistic proportions, distorted anatomy, unnatural postures, exaggerated muscle definition, artificial skin textures, cartoonish elements, and inappropriate clothing.
For face:
distorted features, unrealistic expressions, unnatural skin tones, exaggerated makeup, artificial hair textures, cartoonish details, and disproportionate elements.