Fluxcore.1 ~ Soul Merger



✨ Fluxcore.1 ~ Soul Merger ✨

Step in to the mind of Flux.1, then leap into the unknown with Soul Merger.

◻ Step 1 ~ Create your Flux Images ◻

Start by entering a prompt into fields 1 and 2, then select your desired

with & height. This creates 2 base images & 2 ultra-high quality, 4xUltrasharp/2xUpscaled Flux images. These alone are exceptional quality..... now, lets feed the neural wizard that is Soul Merger!

Step 2 ~ Merging the Image souls ◻

Select your *SDXL checkpoint* for Soul Merger to work with, then choose the Base Sampler settings. Select an Upscale model & ❎factor (I recommend 3x upscale), then set the rest of Soul Merger's Upscale Sampler settings. A Denoise of <0.2~0.3> is a good range for the upscale. This creates a Soul Merger base image & your upscaled Soul Merger image.

And voila! You have your two amazing images created with Flux, and you have the incredible creation from Soul Merger too..... Three ultra-high quality creations for as little as 3 credits, depending on your settings....I've included the base images too, so you get 6 images total, cracking value, and plenty to play around with😊

Thank you for using my Fluxcore.1 ~ Soul Merger tool, please share all your wonderful creations, and kindly leave it some love💜

Have fun sweeties.....

Love & digital kisses


Flux image generation settings are kept standard to simplify my tool as much as possible. As it is so reliable and outputs amazing imagery I have only included the adjustable parameters I feel are necessary. I like to continually improve and learn things, so please feel free to leave me any feedback on Fluxcore.1 Soul Merger😊
